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Fujitsu Interactive Panel 互動觸控智能白板
The Fujitsu Interactive Panel series is ideal for schools looking to leverage the latest technologies to present classroom material in an intuitive and visual mannel. Compared to projector-based systems, the Fujitsu Interactive Panel offers unparalleled visual performance and fosters in-class collaboration by leveraging the full benefits of digital teaching and learning methods.
富士通推出互動觸控智能顯示屏,集成無線解決方案,為現代辦公室設計,旨在提高會議效率並實現新的團隊合作方式。 Fujitsu Interactive Panel 提供 55 英寸 - 65 英寸 - 75 英寸 和 86 英寸,利用 4K 顯示技術,富士通推出互動觸控智能顯示屏非常適合進取的商業用戶。與投影儀系統或傳統白板相比,Fujitsu Interactive Panel 支持多種設備的視音頻內容的實時鏡像;智能屏幕註釋和同步顯示等功能將傳統會議室轉變為數字化和交互式會議環境。
產品合適各大公司團體選購使用, 包括 NGO、慈善機構、學校。 商業機構、醫院、政府部門等......

Fujitsu Interactive Panel Highlights

Fujitsu Lifebook
Where do you want to work today? In the office or at home? Are you on the train or the plane? No problem, our LIFEBOOK notebooks support you and your work wherever you need them. With outstanding performance, exceptional security features and perfect connectivity. Get to know our products.
Fujitsu Desktop
Climate change has become a real problem for the world today. Reducing carbon footprint, along with meeting the aggressive business performance remains an ongoing challenge for enterprises. Fujitsu ESPRIMO Desktops are the most energy-efficient desktop PCs in the market today with heavy computing performance needed to reshape your business performance. The desktops are also smartly built to be 4 times quieter, in a space-saving design which makes them the perfect solution to provide the enhanced performance.


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